MHD 2015
   20th Workshop on MHD Stability Control
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Third Announcement of the 20th MHD Stability Control Workshop


This is the third announcement of the 20th MHD Stability Control Workshop ( The theme this year is “Non-linear phenomena and MHD control for ITER and beyond”. The workshop will take place on November 22-24, 2015 in Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, following the APS-DPP Annual meeting on November 16-20, 2015 in Savannah, GA. The workshop is organized jointly by Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Columbia University, General Atomics, the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Auburn University.


Important Note:

*  Call for Contributed Talk and Registration: Our conference has always benefited from a large number of valuable contributed talks, each of which will be 20 minutes (tentative) including Q&A. Please send your tentative contributed talk title to Marilyn J. Hondorp ( and register through the website ( as soon as possible. Early registration will help us organize the agenda and site entrance clearance permit. However, the deadline remains October 2nd.

The full workshop details and invited speakers are copied below.

  • Topics: Successful plasma control and operation of fusion reactors will benefit greatly from an improved understanding beyond the mostly established linear MHD theory. Non-linear processes such as island formation and mode dynamics are crucial frontiers in the realistic control in toroidal confinement system. In this workshop, we will discuss the leading edge theoretical and experimental works aimed at developing attractive MHD control approaches in ITER and future devices.

  • Date and Location: November 22, 9AM – November 24, 1PM, at M.B. Gottlieb Auditorium, LSB, PPPL, Princeton, New Jersey 08543-0451, USA.

  • Invited Speakers: Please find a complete list of invited speakers enclosed below or at the link on the left. Invited talks will be arranged to 35 minutes (tentative) including Q&A.

  • Call for Contributed proposals: Our conference has always benefited from large number of valuable contributed talks, each of which will be arranged to 20 minutes (tentative) including Q&A. Registration for contributed talks is open and now we call for your contribution. Please register through the website below, and also send a tentative title of your talk by email to , so we can start to prepare a draft of agenda. Late registrants may be placed on a waiting list so register as soon as possible.

  • Registration: Registration deadline is October 2, with $90 regular fee and $40 fee for students. Note the registration fee is higher than usual in this workshop due to the conference management on Sunday Nov. 22 (starting date) including lunch box. Please visit for more information and register with the payment.

  • Hotel Reservation: The most convenient hotel is the Nassau Inn located in the downtown area of Princeton and very close to Princeton University. PPPL has a limited number of rooms at a discounted rate of $127 (regular rate is $238). The deadline for hotel reservation has been extended to October 20, but please visit and make the reservation at your earliest convenience. Note the shuttle bus will be arranged for round trip between (only) the Nassau Inn and conference venue.

  • Conference dinner: We will have a banquet at the Prospect House in Princeton University on Monday night, Nov. 23. You can buy the banquet ticket ($85 for each) for you and your guest at the registration link.

  • Publication: Invited and contributed speakers will be provided with the opportunity to publish their work as fully refereed publications in a special issue of Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion.

  • Invited speakers (with tentative title of the talk):
    • Michael Bell, PPPL, USA, MHD control: “Lessons learned on TFTR, relevant to ITER”
    • Daniele Bonfiglio, Consorzio RFX, Italy, “Common nonlinear MHD physics of RFP and tokamak plasmas with magnetic perturbations: from sawtoothing dynamics to stationary helical states”
    • Wilkie Choi, Columbia University, USA, “Analysis of locked mode disruption database in the DIII-D tokamaks”
    • Tony Cooper, EPFL, Switzerland, “3D MHD equilibrium of Quiescent H-modes in tokamak systems”
    • Alexandre Fil, CEA, France, “Modeling of gas penetration, MHD activity and runaway electrons in disruption mitigated by MGI with JOREK and IMAGINE codes”
    • YongKyoon In, NFRI, Korea, “Low intrinsic error fields and 3D physics studies in the KSTAR tokamak”
    • Jeff Levesque, Columbia University, USA, “Stability of ferritic resistive wall modes in the HBT-EP tokamak”
    • Raffi Nazikian, PPPL, USA, “Bifurcation dynamics near the threshold of ELM suppression by RMP”
    • Erik Olofsson, GA, USA, “Dynamical reconstruction of poloidal flux and noninductive source profiles with applications to MHD stability”
    • Miklos Porkolab, MIT, USA, “An accelerated path to fusion energy and related issues”
    • Satoru Sakakibata, NIFS, Japan, “Plasma response in RMP applications in Large Helical Device”
    • Joseph Snipes, ITER Organization, France, “ITER Plasma Control System Development and MHD Control”
    • Youwen Sun, Institute of Plasma Physics, China, “3D physics studies and MHD control in the EAST tokamak”
    • Francesco Turco, Columbia University, USA, “Measuring and modeling MHD instabilities in ITER”
    • Roscoe White, PPPL, USA,” Thermal island destabilization by radiation cooling”

  • Program committee:
    • Jong-Kyu Park, PPPL, USA (co-chair)
    • Michio Okabayashi, PPPL, USA (co-chair)
    • Egemen Kolemen, Princeton University, USA (Local organizer)
    • Andrew Cole, Columbia University, USA
    • Masaru Furukawa, Tottori University, Japan
    • Robert La Haye, General Atomics, USA
    • Matthew Lanctot, General Atomics, USA
    • Sadao Masamune, Kyoto Ins. Tech., Japan
    • Go Matsugana, JAEA, Japan
    • David Maurer, Auburn University, USA
    • Gerald Navratil, Columbia University, USA
    • Paolo Piovesan, CNR, Italy
    • John Sarff,University of Wisconsin, USA
    • Francesco Volpe, Columbia University, USA
    • Kiyomasa Watanabe, NIFS, Japan

  • Previous Workshops:



Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, P.O. Box 451
Princeton, NJ 08543-0451
GPS: 100 Stellarator Road, Princeton, NJ, 08540

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, managed by Princeton
University and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy,
is a collaborative national center for plasma and fusion science

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